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Say Thank you & Good Bye after company visit (日本)

Say Thank you & Good Bye
after visiting Japanese company - 日本

Sincerity (magokoro in Japanese).
Doing business with the Japanese, showing your sincerity will become a very important element. Indeed the three most favored company mottoes in Japan are "sincerity" "effort" and "harmony".

How you say thank you and good bye after a company visit. When you are visiting a Japanese company and about to leave, it is better not to put on your overcoat, which may be considered arrogant.

(For the same reason, coats should be discarded before approaching the receptionist desk.) You should say thank you and good-bye when you are leaving a meeting room, but things are not over yet.

It is advisable not to put on your coat, even if your Japanese friends insist and even when it is snowing out, unless your hosts also wear coats.

It is better not to start talking with your colleagues about the meeting because your Japanese business friends will most probably be following you, at least to the elevator hall.

When you see your customers off you should bow until they go out of your sight completely. You can get into the elevator after saying "thank you" and "good bye" for the second or third time but still pay attention to those seeing you off and try to bow or at least nod when the elevator door is about to close.

In some cases your business host will escort you to your car. Everybody start bowing when the car sets on motion. So you should bow and say good bye and thank you in small voice.

After you get into the car, roll down the window (or push the button to lower the window) to ensure there is no window to separate you with your host and mumble thank you and good bye, probably for the fifth time by now .

So, you are expected to crane your neck to bow slightly or nod from time to time until you can no longer see them.

See also : Say Sorry in Japanese

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