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Japanese grammar

There are two types of adjectives, na-adjectives and i-adjectives.
I-adjectives always end with the vowel pairs -ai, -ii, -ui or -oi, and never -ei or a consonant followed by -i.
There is no real rule about what a na-adjective looks like, so they are everything else

To modify a noun with an i-adjective, just place the adjective before the noun.
kuroi neko - black cat
atsui ocha - hot tea

To modify a noun with a na-adjective, you must insert the word na between the adjective and the noun.
taisetsu na mono - important thing
kirei na onna no ko - pretty girl

Predicative Adjective :Something wa/ga adjective desu.
Using adjectives as predicates in the past tense is similar, by changing the -i at the end to -katta.

Watashi no kuruma ga aoi desu. My car is blue.
Watashi no kuruma ga aokatta desu. [I 's car sj "was blue" (is).]My car was blue.

Basic Japanese

Japanese sentence order is very different from English.
In English we use Subject-Verb-Object (SVO)
I -eat- bread
but in Japanese it is usually Subject -Object-Verb (SOV) :
Watashi wa- pan o- tabemasu.

Japanese uses postpositions instead of prepositions.
prepositions like "in," "on," and "behind" come after the nouns they are linked to.
In English We would say "in the station"
In Japanese would say, "station in" (eki ni)

Japanese uses very few pronouns, preferring instead to simply eliminate references to people or other nouns that are already established.
A related property is the tendency to treat actions indirectly--
it is far more common to say "it was decided that..."
than to say "I decided to..."

I noticed that as my Japanese improved, the native speaker I was communicating with didn't say, "How nice that you can express more complex ideas now," or "Gosh, your usage is becoming more and more natural." Oh, no.
He said, "Gee, Kim, I am really starting to be able to understand you now!"